vendredi 24 avril 2009

Y! Alert: Mail Buzz

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Mexico swine flu deaths spur global epidemic fears (AP) Top
AP - Une contrainte unique de la grippe de porcs est le tueur suspecté des douzaines de personnes au Mexique, où les autorités ont fermé des écoles, des musées, des bibliothèques et des théâtres dans la capitale vendredi pour essayer de contenir une manifestation qui a stimulé des soucis d'une épidémie globale de grippe.
Not Gaga over bad outfit Top
Si vous pensez le chapeau de Madame Gaga est effrayant, attendent jusqu'à ce que vous voyiez le reste de son regard épouvantable.
La tactique d'Obama protège des soins de santé Bill d'une obstruction parlementaire Top
The president's new stance suggests he may be much less willing to compromise on health care, his top legislative priority, even if it means a partisan fight.
Quand l'indignation était juste : Les républicains ont par le passé voulu étudier l'administration passée Top
Washington was abuzz with talk of investigating the past administration but Congress and the White House were at odds. Executive branch officials were worried about the partisan fracas that would ensue. The former wanted a probe, confident that old White House hands, only recently removed from office, had engaged in a rash of criminal activity. "We need to look at to make sure exactly what happened is known to the public and to deter any future president from doing like behavior, if it was wrong," said one well-respected member of Congress. "In that regard, if we can do it in a bipartisan fashion, I think that's what we should do. Every American benefits when you can control X abuse of power. If this was an abuse of power, then we need to know about it." It was February 2001 not April 2009. The topic was Bill Clinton's controversial pardon of Marc Rich not the use of torture techniques on detainees. And the above quote was attributed to then-Rep. Lindsey Graham not, say, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. It is hardly rare for a politician to argue two sides of same issue during the course of a career in Washington. But as the current Congress contemplates investigating the use of harsh, even illegal interrogation techniques by Bush administration officials, the readjustment in political sensibilities has been somewhat remarkable. Once hell-bent on looking into the slightest hint of malfeasance during the Clinton years, Republicans inside and out of government are now responding with disgust to suggestions that even an independent commission be set up to look into the authorization and use of torture. "What [Obama has] essentially said is if we have policy disagreements with our predecessor, we are going to do is turn ourselves into the moral equivalent of a Latin American country run by colonels in weird sunglasses," said Karl Rove, during an appearance on Fox News. "Is that what we've come to in this country?" Actually, we've been there. In the early months of 2001, as the Bush administration was publicly urging people to "look forward," Republicans in Congress were consumed by two decidedly backward-looking investigations. The most prominent of these was the controversial pardon of Rich, the fugitive financier whose ex-wife had donated heavily to Democratic causes. This is "outrageous," said then-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.), who called for a congressional investigation. "We should at least take a look at what happened and ask ourselves, should we take some action to try to prevent abuses that do occur?" "Congress has an obligation to find out if this was appropriate," said House Government Reform Committee Chair Dan Burton (R-IN) on January 26. "[My] panel will obtain 'subpoenas if necessary'" "It needs to be investigated," said then New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani. "I think it is worthy of investigation. The facts cry out for an answer to be given for why is it that this man was pardoned. Because the pardon process is an important thing. ... Until we get the answers to this question, that whole process is put in some jeopardy of being misunderstood by the public." "While the president alone possesses the power to pardon," said Sen. Mitch McConnell. "it's important to remember that he is not personally exempt from federal laws that prohibit the corrupt actions of all government officials." Even some Democrats were getting involved. "I think the important question is, is there something more Congress can do to try to express through ourselves the will of the American people about a procedure for issuing pardons," said Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-CT). "Pardon procedures should be examined." Eight years later, these same officials view the possibility of criminal investigations -- in this case for harsh interrogation techniques as opposed to bone-headed, possibly corrupt pardons -- as anathema to basic American values. "It would take our country in a backward-looking direction at a time when our detainee-related challenges demand that we look forward," read a letter to Barack Obama signed by Lieberman, Graham and Sen. John McCain. "Given the great challenges that face our country in dealing with detainees... we have every interest in looking forward to solutions, not backward to recriminations. That is why we do not support the idea of a commission that would focus on the mistakes of the past." (McCain appears to be the most consistent of the three, having said of the Rich pardon back in March 2001, "I think that's a decision for the U.S. attorney to make. I think it's appropriate that the Congress wind down their investigations and move onto the issues of the day.") Certainly, there are differences between the two presidential controversies. Clinton's pardon, as Rove might argue, was an individual choice as opposed to a government policy. As such, when Congress held hearings on the matter and the U.S. attorney's office in New York investigated it, the basis was not any particular policy disagreement. That said, try replacing the word "pardon" with "torture" in the above quotes. At the very least, it is telling to recall just how open Republicans once were to the notion of looking back and righting past wrongs, however seemingly trivial. Indeed, the other, less controversial investigation called for at the time was an effort to determine whether Clinton officials had trashed the Oval Office and Air Force One shortly before leaving the White House. Former Rep. Bob Barr demanded a probe, declaring that ''the Clinton administration [had] treated the White House worse than college freshmen checking out of their dorm rooms." Former Senator Rick Santorum, meanwhile, told the Washington Times that, "there needs to be at least someone to look into it." The GAO, at Barr's request, did just that, interviewing 78 Bush and 72 Clinton aides and tasking one employee to work on the case full-time for nearly nine months. When the results came back mixed -- the vandalism was playful at worst -- the Bush administration did not hide its displeasure. As the New York Times reported: The Bush White House was deeply disappointed with the report. Alberto R. Gonzales, counsel to President Bush, had demanded that the accounting office provide more detail, including the full text of graffiti and other messages that were ''especially offensive or vulgar.'' The accounting office said such details were unnecessary and inappropriate. But Bush administration officials said the details would have revealed the ''mind-set or intentions'' of Clinton administration pranksters. Moreover, in a response much longer than the actual report, the Bush administration said, ''It appears that the G.A.O. has undertaken a concerted effort to downplay the damage found in the White House complex.'' Get HuffPost Politics on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.
Retour de recherche de Rihanna des bijoux coûteux (AP) Top
AP - Rihanna cherche le retour de $1.4 millions en bijoux qu'elle portait la nuit elle a été allégué battue par Chris Brown.
Lavages de Susan Boyle cet Outta gris ses cheveux Top
The "Britain's Got Talent" breakthrough star goes from dowdy to, um, a little less dowdy.
Clift : Des 100 premiers jours, Obama obtient a B-Plus Top
Obama obtient a B-plus pendant ses 100 premiers jours, alors que le rétro GOP lutte le FDR.
Secrétaire Apologizes To Veterans Group de patrie Top
Secrétaire Janet Napolitano de sécurité de patrie a rencontré la légion américaine vendredi pour faire des excuses pour un rapport de droite d'extrémisme rédigé par son agence, et le groupe de vétérans a marché à partir de la réunion calmée.
Petraeus: Shippers should consider armed guards (AP) Top
AP - L'industrie d'expédition globale devrait envisager de placer les gardes armés sur ses bateaux pour écarter les pirates qui sont devenus de plus en plus violents, commandant militaire des États-Unis qui surveille le littoral africain a dit vendredi.
Avery des gardes forestiers a rayé pour le jeu 5 contre les capitaux (AP) Top
Sean Avery est mis hors jeu pour le jeu 5 de la série de finale du premier round des gardes forestiers de New York contre les capitaux de Washington. L'agitateur remarquable est énuméré comme seul de l'éraflure de New York vendredi soir. Avery a été réclamé deux pénalités dans les 10 minutes finales de la victoire de 2-1 de New York dans le jeu 4 mercredi, forçant les gardes forestiers à tuer au loin des jeux de pouvoir tout en soignant une avance.
GM to pull the plug on Pontiac Top
General Motors is preparing to announce that the Pontiac car brand, once marketed as GM's "Excitement division," will be killed off, according to a source familiar with the decision.
Un président et ses scrutins (Yahoo! Salle de presse) Top
The Yahoo! Newsroom - Politicians love to say they don't watch polls when their own numbers are down, but few say the same thing when their numbers are up. As Politico puts it: "Presidents have long pooh-poohed polls while privately conducting them."
Robert Pattinson ne datant pas Kristen Stewart Top
Ainsi, ce des moyens nous avons un projectile ! Au crépuscule, nous avons observé une histoire d'amour incroyablement intense entre Edouard Cullen et le cygne de Bella, joué par des acteurs Robert Pattinson et Kristen Stewart. Bien que nous sachions ils sont des acteurs, la chimie entre les deux étaient si forts que beaucoup aient spéculé que leur amour DOIT être vrai. Pattinson indique le numéro.
NFL mock draft: Lions likely to select Stafford Top
Ce n'est pas souvent les gicleurs et Giants entrent dans une ébauche recherchant la même chose, mais c'est le cas avec l'ébauche de NFL de cette année. Au moins pour maintenant. Les deux équipes recherchent un récepteur playmaking - le Giants parce que les démarreurs Plaxico Burress et Amani Toomer ne sont plus avec l'équipe, les gicleurs parce que Laveranues Coles est allé et il y a aucun…
Investisseurs de Madoff commandés renvoyer les bénéfices faux (AP) Top
L'administrateur essayant de se démêler l'arrangement massif de pyramide de Bernard Madoff menace l'action judiciaire pour récupérer $735 millions des investisseurs qui ont inconsciemment gagné l'argent outre de l'escroquerie.


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Y! Alert: Mail Buzz

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Susan Boyle montre au loin nouveau, plus foncé font Top
La Grande-Bretagne obtenue le chanteur de talent a teint ses cheveux en dépit des objections de juge
Miss California Carrie Prejean Becomes Conservative Darling Amid Gay Marriage Brouhaha Top
Elle a pu avoir perdu la couronne, mais la reine de beauté certainement gagnée au-dessus de beaucoup du côté droit et d'autres qui l'applaudissent pour se lever pour sa croyance
Democrat Murphy gagne la course de Chambre après la concession (AP) Top
AP - Presque un mois après une élection spéciale à un district parlementaire fortement républicain, la victoire réclamée par candidat Democratic vendredi où son adversaire de GOP concédé dans une course qui a concentré l'attention sur le plan de stimulus du Président Barack Obama's.
Clift: On First 100 Days, Obama Gets a B-Plus Top
Obama gets a B-plus for his first 100 days, while the retro GOP battles FDR.
New flu kills 15, sickens 943 in Mexico; CDC help sought Top
Le Mexique a fermé des écoles à travers cette métropole de 20 millions de vendredi après qu'au moins 16 personnes sont mortes et plus de 900 autres sont tombées…
Ford perd $1.4 milliards Top
Le Ford Motor a rapporté une perte étroit-que-prévue pour le premier trimestre vendredi, et son Président a indiqué qu'il est confiant la compagnie n'aura pas besoin du même genre de renflouement fédéral qui maintient ses rivaux des États-Unis vivants.
Les bleus de vacances comme touristes restent à la maison Top
As the recession drags on, tourists are staying at home. Luring them back would boost the global economy
Avigdor Lieberman : L'Iran est obstacle à la paix de Moyen-Orient Top
JÉRUSALEM - l'Iran est l'obstacle principal à la paix dans le Moyen-Orient, le nouveau ministre des affaires étrangères de l'Israël a dit dans une entrevue éditée vendredi. Avigdor Lieberman a indiqué au poteau de Jérusalem qu'il sera « impossible de résoudre n'importe quel problème dans notre région » sans traiter le programme nucléaire de l'Iran et son soutien des groupes militants s'est opposé en Israël, tel que Hezbollah et Hamas. Lisez plus : Obama Lieberman, Avigdor Lieberman Iran, Israël, Avigdor Lieberman, Iran Israël, Obama Israël, Israël Iran, nouvelles du monde
Errant plane causes brief White House lock down (AP) Top
AP - Un petit, monomoteur avion a vagué dans l'espace aérien restreint près du capitol des États-Unis vendredi, forçant les fonctionnaires impatients à placer la Maison Blanche dans la serrure provisoire vers le bas et à prendre des mesures pour évacuer le capitol des États-Unis.
GM to pull the plug on Pontiac Top
General Motors dispose à annoncer que la marque de voiture de Pontiac, une fois lancée sur le marché comme GMs « division d'excitation, » sera tuée au loin, selon un au courant de source de la décision.
Fed indique le gouvernement prêt à sauver les banques soumettre à une contrainte-examinées (AP) Top
AP - La réservation fédérale vendredi a indiqué que le gouvernement est disposé à sauver les banques l'unes des qui ont subi des « essais de fatigue » et a été considéré vulnérable si la récession empirait brusquement. Le Fed, en décrivant la méthodologie des essais, a indiqué que les 19 compagnies qui tiennent la moitié des prêts au système bancaire des États-Unis ne seront pas laissées échouer - même si elles sont allées mal sur les essais de fatigue.
La méthodologie « d'essai de fatigue » pourrait troubler quelques banques (AP) Top
AP - WASHINGTON — Regulators trying to stabilize the financial system could unwittingly roil it when they explain their methods Friday for stress-testing the largest banks.
L'attaque de Bagdad tue des points Top
Au moins 60 personnes sont mortes et plus de 120 blessés après deux bombardiers de suicide ont détoné leurs dispositifs par les portes du tombeau d'Al-Kadhim d'Imam Moussa à Bagdad. Courtoisie visuelle de Reuters.
Denial Can Bring Marital Bliss ( Top - le taux de divorce planant autour de 50 pour cent, et tant de personnes étant été mariées plus d'une fois, cela ressemble parfois à des humains sont terrible à figurer dehors l'amour à long terme. Le modèle typique commence par tomber head-over-heels pour quelqu'un, avec tout son chaleur-battement, la folie extasiée, et cela prend un moment avant que le brouillard absorbe et le vrai objet du désir hérite le foyer. Souvent, la vérité ne frappe pas jusqu'à après le mariage quand la vraie personne, verrues et toutes, se réveille à côté de vous dans le lit portant un anneau de mariage. …
Taliban Fighters Begin Retreat from Northwest Pakistan Top
PESHAWAR, Pakistan, 24 avril -- Les forces extrémistes talibans, faisant face à des menaces d'un assaut d'armée et d'une bourrasque de la critique des fonctionnaires pakistanais, ont commencé à retirer vendredi d'une zone au Pakistan du nord-ouest qu'elles avaient occupé pour la semaine passée.


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Y! Alert: Mail Buzz

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Susan Boyle Shows Off New, Darker Do Top
La Grande-Bretagne obtenue le chanteur de talent a teint ses cheveux en dépit des objections de juge
Geithner pour décrire des efforts de fixer le système bancaire (AP) Top
AP - On s'attend à ce que ministre des Finances Timothy Geithner décrive les efforts de l'administration d'Obama de nettoyer le système bancaire des États-Unis au cours des réunions vendredi avec des ministres des finances du groupe de sept nations, un fonctionnaire de département a déclaré.
Miss California Carrie Prejean Becomes Conservative Darling Amid Gay Marriage Brouhaha Top
Elle a pu avoir perdu la couronne, mais la reine de beauté certainement gagnée au-dessus de beaucoup du côté droit et d'autres qui l'applaudissent pour se lever pour sa croyance
La montée subite taliban du Pakistan soulève-t-elle une menace nucléaire ? Top
U.S. et les fonctionnaires pakistanais déclarent que les armes nucléaires sont sûres même pendant que les doutes se développent parmi l'agitation interne de montée
Ford loses $1.4 billion Top
Le Ford Motor a rapporté une perte étroit-que-prévue pour le premier trimestre vendredi, et son Président a indiqué qu'il est confiant la compagnie n'aura pas besoin du même genre de renflouement fédéral qui maintient ses rivaux des États-Unis vivants.
Pakistani Taliban withdraws from key valley (Reuters) Top
Reuters - un commandant taliban pakistanais a retiré ses combattants d'une vallée du nord-ouest principale vendredi, parmi l'alarme croissante aux Etats-Unis que le Taliban rampaient plus près du capital du Pakistan disposant de l'arme nucléaire.
UN says nearly 6,500 civilians killed in Sri Lanka (AP) Top
AP - Hundreds who fled intense fighting in Sri Lanka's war zone were awaiting evacuation from this tiny coastal village Friday as the U.N. reported that nearly 6,500 ethnic Tamil civilians were killed in the last three months.
Encaissez l'industrie pour entendre des résultats des « essais de fatigue » (AP) Top
AP - The nation's 19 largest banks are receiving report cards showing how they performed in the government's stress tests to assess their soundness, a process that could roil the industry.
La mort de Craigslist réitère des demandes pour limiter les annonces de sexe (AP) Top
AP - « special de fin de nuit de cravings, » promesses l'annonce de Craigslist dans la catégorie « de services érotiques ». « Mon mélange exotique me fait un festin enivrant et sensuel. »
Scottish singing sensation gets dye job, makeover (AP) Top
AP - Queest-ce que prochain, un article truqué est bronzage ?
Mlle la Californie : Reine du GOP (Politico) Top
Politico - Mlle la Californie peut avoir perdu son projectile à la Mlle devenante Etats-Unis après l'expression de son opposition au mariage homosexuel, mais elle est néanmoins émergée comme étoile.
Report: Democrats Refuse to Allow Skeptic to Testify Alongside Gore At Congressional Hearing Top
'House Democrats don't want Gore humiliated' -- Climate Depot exclusive.
FAA : impacts d'oiseau plus que le double aux grands aéroports (AP) Top
AP - Des collisions d'avion avec des oiseaux plus qu'ont été doublées à 13 aéroports importants des États-Unis depuis 2000, selon l'Administration Fédérale d'Aviation vendredi pour la première fois libéré par données.
Police irakienne : 60 morts dans le double bombardement Top
Les bombardements de suicide dos à dos ont tué 60 personnes vendredi en dehors du tombeau shiite le plus important à Bagdad, un jour après le pays…
Clinton Counters Israeli Stance on Palestinians and Iran Top
Le progrès sur établir un état palestinien doit être de pair assorti «  » aux efforts de refouler l'influence iranienne dans le Moyen-Orient, le secrétaire d'état Hillary Rodham Clinton a dit hier, rejetant implicitement la position naissante du nouveau gouvernement israélien.


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Y! Alert: Mail Buzz

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Gaze hospitalisée avec la maladie, attacher du ruban adhésif d'annulations (AP) Top
AP - Jay Leno a vérifié dans un hôpital avec une maladie non révélée jeudi et a décommandé le taping du « ce soir » montrent, mais faisaient bien et prévu pour retourner la semaine prochaine, son publiciste et NBC ont dit.
L'homme feignant pour tomber le pont tombe réellement Top
Police said a 23-year-old man is in stable condition after he pretended that he was falling off a bridge over the Minnesota River, then actually fell off the bridge. Police got a call just before 5 a.m. Sunday from a 21-year-old man who said his friend fell off the Highway 77 bridge and into a marshy area about 30 feet ...
GOP Chief: Sebelius Must Answer Abortion Questions Top
Le chef du Parti Républicain a invité le Président Barack Obama à retirer la nomination de Kathleen Sebelius comme secrétaire de santé à moins qu'elle réponde à plus de questions sur l'avortement.
Lisa Solod Warren : Le « filet torturent vers le bas » Top
Will anyone every forget the pictures of Lynndie England, looking as though she were gleefully enjoying he torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad during the American occupation of Iraq? Or then president George Bush's insistence that England was one of a few "bad apples" in the service who would be weeded out and prosecuted? Well, she was. England, a U.S. Army Reservist, was convicted and served 521 days, the paroled in 2007, after which we received a dishonorable discharge. Charles Graner, a fellow Reservist, and the man by whom England allegedly became pregnant, is serving ten years at Ft. Leavenworth. The other five of the Abu Ghraib Seven were all punished for their actions. Janis Karpinski, the former head of the Abu Ghraib prison, demoted, and now retired, spoke out about the issue four years ago and has written a book about her experiences entitled One Woman's Army. And just last night, she gave a moving and emotional interview to an uncharacteristically chastened and quiet Keith Olberman http:// in which she made the convincing point that the soldiers who were convicted and sentenced should not have suffered while those at the top, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, and Bush, among others, not to mention the authors of the so-called "torture memos" go unpunished. But where is the outrage? While the American public calls for the heads of the memo's authors, who recalls Bush's statements about the bad apples? Who recalls his promise that those few would be weeded out and taken care of? And who really believed at the time that those soldiers were acting of their own accord? How could we, the American public, have let this situation get so out of hand? And how can we now, as so many are calling for, just let it go, let sleeping dogs lie, and assume that nothing like this will happen again. Not only is it is clear that in the past administration torture was being sanctioned at the highest levels, that torture was being planned long before the "memos" were even written according to reports in yesterday's Washington Post. If the soldiers who carried out the torture were doing so under direct orders and to disobey those orders meant putting their jobs at peril then we already have a problem. With our system, with morale, with much larger issues. Should those soldiers have been punished? At this point, that is a moot point. They have been. Now the punishment must reach the top. If the Abu Ghraib Seven had to pay, then so should all the men and women involved in the actions. As Karpinski stressed: There was a direct line from the very top to the very bottom. And all involved must be made responsible for their actions. Why foot soldiers are serving years in prison when the powerful men and women who sent those soldiers to do the dirty work are spouting lies on television are free is a travesty. Until all are made to pay, the torture memos history cannot be put behind us and we cannot move on.
Badly mixed supplement blamed in polo horse deaths (AP) Top
AP - En même temps les ventilateurs de polo ont recueilli pour pleurer 21 chevaux estimés qui sont morts avant une allumette de championnat, ils ont appris qu'un supplément incorrectement mélangé était susceptible de blâmer de leurs décès.
American Idol's Anoop & Lil Take It in Stride Top
Anoop Desai et ronds de Lil parlent de la vie après idole américain
Portes : Plus de civils requis en Afghanistan (AP) Top
AP - Les portes de secrétaire de défense Robert jeudi ont indiqué des soldats de marine étant déployés en Afghanistan qu'une victoire des États-Unis là semblerait semblable au progrès en Irak, mais il a averti que plus de civils avec des qualifications au delà du champ de bataille seront nécessaires.
Calm winds limit spread of SC wildfire overnight (AP) Top
AP - Firefighters say calm winds overnight allowed them to hold steady against a wildfire that has burned 31 square miles near one of South Carolina's busiest tourist areas.
Le support ne libérera pas sélectivement les notes de terreur (AP) Top
AP - Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress on Thursday he won't play "hide and seek" with secret memos about harsh interrogations of terror suspects and their effectiveness. In testimony before the House Appropriations Committee, Holder said he's willing to release as much information as possible about the interrogations.
Barbara Bush : « Je l'ai fait tout » Top
L'ancienne première dame a montré son feistiness de marque déposée à un dîner marquant le 20ème anniversaire de sa base d'instruction.
US 'torture memos' could not be kept secret: Gates Top
Les portes de Bob est peut-être le plus bon, meilleur homme à servir dans le bureau de l'administration publique en 50 dernières années. si les portes l'indique, je la crois.
Briefing du monde | L'Asie : La Chine : Le gouvernement bloque l'accès à YouTube Top
La raison exacte du bloc demeure peu claire ; le bloc original a été imposé peu de temps après qu'une vidéo était téléchargée à l'emplacement par Tibetans dans l'exil.
Singing Talk Show Hosts - Jay Leno's Hilarious Susan Boyle Impression (VIDEO) Top
Jay Leno pense que lui et Susan Boyle peuvent être les enfants de mêmes parents perdus de vue depuis longtemps, et prouve leur ressemblance en mettant un getup et une lèvre-synching de drague à un des enregistrements de Boyle dans une personnification surnaturelle. Dans le peu qui a suivi cette vidéo, Jay Leno raille, « ma mère est venue de la même région de l'Ecosse. Je pense que nous sommes connexes, la » gaze a plaisanté après lèvre-synching dans une perruque et une robe. « Quand vous avez vu que [Susan Boyle] chantez, vous a vu n'importe quelle ressemblance ? » Jay Leno n'est pas la première célébrité pour boire la Kool-Aide de Susan Boyle. Ashton Kutcher et Demi Moore sont des ventilateurs, et Boyle a réservé ce soir des aspects sur Oprah, Larry King Live et divertissement.
Le juge de LA ordonne la fraude dans les costumes contre Dole (AP) Top
Un juge de la Californie jeudi a écarté deux procès par les ouvriers de Nicaragua prétendus de plantation de banane contre la nourriture Dole géant des États-Unis et d'autres compagnies pour des raisons de fraude et extorsion essayée.
U.S. poussée de Chrysler sur la faillite Top
The Treasury Department is directing Chrysler to prepare a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing as soon as next week, people with direct knowledge of the talks said Thursday. The company faces a deadline of April 30 to come up...


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jeudi 23 avril 2009

Y! Alert: Mail Buzz

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les sachs tay, John, mettent le cheadle, fsn Pittsburgh,… Top
tay sachs john don cheadle fsn pittsburgh jay leno hospitalized gordon ramsey cookware john rich super adventure club rashel diaz gospel music channel uri man fox sports pittsburgh dove awards dead man inc 105.9 the x who s been sleeping in my bed dave ramsey town hall john curley john rich shutting detroit down max headroom terrence howard brian scalabrine yorba linda earthquake swine flu groupon chicago perfectly blind lyrics judy holliday the office broke pernicious aubrey o day playboy new moon movie cast tasacs disease tim couch gordon ramsey royal doulton apiarist ncsoft store 2009 dove award winners trevor murdoch penn relays john tucker must die making the band 4 finale heather kozar and tim couch andre ware drake relays fox business network born yesterday ryan leaf zagros bigvand eminem 3 am lyrics diddy bop fsn sports petty s island pittsburgh penguins steven curtis chapman stephon marbury stazzle twicon entertainment tonight new moon john curley evening magazine dallas mavericks turks and caicos real estate penguins hockey hector elizondo donnie klang juilliard dmi gang macedonian body type infantile alexander s disease trouble the water d woods i am diddy patrick clegg 908 area code zulay henao wxdx townhall for hope mystic pizza enough movie if that boy don t love you by now palm centro dirty money pens game live beef wellington hit tracker
Gaze hospitalisée avec la maladie, attacher du ruban adhésif d'annulations (AP) Top
AP - Jay Leno a vérifié dans un hôpital avec une maladie non révélée jeudi et a décommandé le taping du « ce soir » montrent, mais faisaient bien et prévu pour retourner la semaine prochaine, son publiciste et NBC ont dit.
Le nouveau chiot des premières plaisanteries de dame est « genre de fou » (AP) Top
AP - First dog Bo is a "kind of crazy" puppy who likes to chew on people's feet, Michelle Obama told children visiting the White House on Thursday.
100 premiers jours : Les promesses d'Obama gardées Top
La note de rédacteur : Aujourd'hui nous examinons des promesses gardées, et demain nous regarderons ceux qu'il s'est cassés. Changement promis par Obama de Barack -- un bon nombre de lui. Et en ses 100 premiers jours, des trouvailles d'une analyse de PolitiFact il a déjà accompli 27 promesses et travail commencé sur 61 autres que nous avons évalué dans les travaux. Aujourd'hui, nous examinons ses efforts sur ceux que nous avons évalué des promesses gardées. Demain, nous décalerons notre attention à ceux qu'il s'est cassés. Certains ont été faciles, des promesses qu'il pourrait accomplir par les ordres exécutifs ou le muscle présidentiel simple. Mais il est également parvenu à ferrouter plusieurs de ses promesses sur… le >>More massif
U.S. Dit pour chercher un plan de Chrysler pour la faillite Top
The Treasury Department has reached an agreement in principle with the autoworkers union in the event that Chrysler, which is negotiating with Fiat, files for bankruptcy.
Paula Abdul dit qu'elle ne peut pas être remplacée Top
C'est un rapport confiant. Paula Abdul est un chorégraphe et une artiste d'enregistrement lauréats, mais les la plupart argueraient du fait qu'elle est la plus connue pour son rôle en tant que gentil juge sur l'idole américain, qui a 20 millions de visionneuses renversantes accordant en chaque semaine. Abdul a été avec l'exposition pendant huit saisons, et certains spéculent que ce sera son bout. Paula donne sa prise sur la situation.
Mag gets flak for pic of Obama's buff bod Top
Voici la pièce qui n'est pas au cours de discussion au sujet de la couverture de mai du magazine de Washingtonian : Barack Obama regarde bon assez sacré dans un maillot de bain - particulièrement pour un président.
Les 5 plus mauvais bips jamais (PRÉSENTATION) Top
Click to start the slideshow > Twitter can help users keep up-to-date on friends, better understand new products and learn news faster than old media can report it. But as Discover Magazine's Melissa Lafsky points out, Twitter can also damage reputations, cost users their jobs, lose them clients, create legal trouble, and change the course of a state's political history by a hair. In one of those trend pieces we're seeing everywhere, Lafsky lists the best and worst tweets ever. We explore the five worst in more depth here. Click to start the slideshow > Or jump ahead in our list: @theconner, #5 @courtneylover79, #4 @baratunde, #3 @keyinfluencer, #2 @JeffFrederick, #1 Join the conversation about this story » See Also: Oprah Winfrey, Ashton Kutcher Send Twitter Traffic Zooming Skyward Ashton Kutcher Beats CNN To (And Past) 1 Million Twitter Followers Celebrities Take Over Twitter, Kick Geeks Aside
US 'torture memos' could not be kept secret: Gates Top
Les portes de Bob est peut-être le plus bon, meilleur homme à servir dans le bureau de l'administration publique en 50 dernières années. si les portes l'indique, je la crois.
L'Irak : 87.215 citoyens tués depuis 2005 Top
At least 87,215 Iraqis have been killed in violence since 2005, according to a previously undisclosed Iraqi government tally obtained by The Associated Press.
Où sont-ils maintenant ? Top
Certains des plus grands bustes d'ébauche de NFL sont conduite réussie livesÂ-autres, pas tellement.
Congress Pushes For Prison Reform Top
L'Amérique a presque 2.5 millions de personnes derrière des barres qui est 5 fois plus haut que le taux moyen de l'incarcération du monde. Rapports de Mia Lee.
Idol's Anoop: Glad Elimination "Was Relatively Quick" Top
Anoop Desai indique qu'il a demandé à Ryan Seacrest de le dépêcher vers le haut en annonçant qui rentrait à la maison sur mercredi l'idole américain de soir. « J'ai dit réellement [il] bien avant que l'exposition, « hé l'homme, ne pelotent pas moi ce soir, avance. » Ainsi j'étais heureux il étais relativement rapide, « 23 ans Chapel Hill, journalistes dits par étudiant de N.C. pendant jeudi une conférence téléphonique d'après-midi. « Et vous savez, si j'avais…
Les chefs embarquent Gonzalez aux faucons pour la sélection en 2010 Top
The Atlanta Falcons boosted their hopes for another trip to the playoffs by acquiring tight end Tony Gonzalez from the Kansas City Chiefs on Thursday for a draft pick next year. The Chiefs insisted they also improved their chances for success in 2009 by making the trade. The Falcons will send a second-round pick in 2010 to Kansas City in exchange for Gonzalez, the only tight end in NFL history selected to 10 Pro Bowls. Gonzalez caught 96 passes for 1,058 yards and 10 touchdowns in 2008. He owns NFL career records for tight ends with 916 receptions, 10,940 yards receiving, 76 TDs receiving and 26 100-yard receiving games. One of the most popular athletes Kansas City has ever had in any sport, Gonzalez said leaving the town and its fans is not easy. "I love Kansas City," he said in an interview with The Associated Press. "The fans have been unbelievable to me. I'm going to miss them. This is a happy day for me, but in many ways it's a sad day, too. I'm going to miss running out that tunnel and seeing that sea of red in those stands." When he was drafted in the first round out of California, passing up his senior season, he had just turned 21. "And now I'm leaving at 33. It's been a huge part of my life," he said. "When I retire, I'm going to retire a Chief. It's been a beautiful, beautiful ride in Kansas City. I'm not selling my home there." He also plans to keep his window-cleaning business, Xtreme Clean 88, in Kansas City and be active in Shadow Buddies, a Kansas City-based charity which distributes kits and educational materials to kids and the elderly. "Kansas City will always be a big part of my life," he said. "At the same time, I don't know how many years I have left to play. Now I'm looking forward to making a Super Bowl run in Atlanta. I hope the fans in Kansas City will understand." Chiefs general manager Scott Pioli said it wasn't easy to trade the star, who played in 188 regular-season games for Kansas City. "From an organizational as well as personal standpoint there are mixed emotions," Pioli said. "I have the highest personal and professional respect for Tony and consider him to be a future Pro Football Hall of Famer." Pioli said the Chiefs, 2-14 in 2008, did not pursue a trade for Gonzalez, but agreed when the Falcons offered a second-round pick. "This is something we really feel was a decision in the best short-term and long-term interest of the Chiefs," Pioli said, adding the 2010 draft pick could be used in another deal to acquire more picks in this weekend's draft. "It may be that pick next year or it may be a pick this year or several picks," Pioli said. Chiefs chairman Clark Hunt called Gonzalez "one of the finest players in Chiefs history." Gonzalez will provide a dramatic new look for the Falcons, who were 11-5 last year with rookie quarterback Matt Ryan starting every game. "Tony's arrival will make an instant impact not only on the offensive side of the ball, but on the overall team in general," said Ryan, the NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year. "I feel privileged to be throwing the ball to a future Hall of Famer and I'm anxious to get on the field to start working with him." Ryan has a new target and the Falcons have a new leader, but what about newly acquired Chiefs quarterback Matt Cassel? Pioli said there's still plenty of time to bolster the Chiefs' offense before the season. "There's a lot of time between now and then for us to continue to shape our roster," Pioli said. When asked how he would replace Gonzalez, new Chiefs coach Todd Haley said, "I don't know I have a direct answer for that right now. "This is what we felt was best for us right now all things considered," Haley added. "We're doing everything we can to give ourselves the best chance to win games in 2009 and that's what we as a group felt was the best way to go." The 33-year-old Gonzalez, who has three years remaining on his contract, asked to be traded last October. But then-general manager Carl Peterson said no team Gonzalez was willing to go to made a good enough offer. The trade addresses one of the Falcons' top needs, freeing the organization to make defense the top priority in this weekend's draft. The Falcons expect to receive compensatory picks next year for losing several free agents, including cornerback Domonique Foxworth and linebackers Michael Boley and Keith Brooking, making it easier for the team to trade the second-round pick to the Chiefs. Gonzalez will join Pro Bowl receiver Roddy White to give the Falcons more passing balance. "Anybody would be excited to be a part of that offense," Gonzalez told the AP. "With Michael Turner, Matt Ryan and the other guys, we have a chance to be in the top five in the league in offense." Before making the trade, Falcons general manager Thomas Dimitroff said, "Every team in this league dreams of having Tony Gonzalez run out of the tunnel for them." After realizing that dream, Dimitroff said Gonzalez will add "a new dynamic to the Falcons' offense." "His career numbers and records are top-notch and he will no doubt be an integral part of our offense," Dimitroff said. The Falcons said Gonzalez will be in Atlanta for a news conference on Friday.
Boehner : Contour « techniques de notes de torture » Top
While cable news outlets and major newspapers continue to use euphemisms such as "harsh interrogation tactics" to describe the Bush administration's approach to intelligence gathering, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) used a more succinct term Thursday: "torture." "Last week, they released these memos outlining torture techniques. That was clearly a political decision and ignored the advice of their Director of National Intelligence and their CIA director," Boehner said at a press conference in the Capitol. The techniques discussed include waterboarding, slamming detainees into walls, and depriving them of sleep for up to 11 days. Boehner argued that a discussion of such torture techniques was "inappropriate," as it could tip off U.S. enemies to the tactics used and "denigrate" the United States and its allies. Torture is illegal under U.S. and international law. "This is another sideshow here in Washington," Boehner said about the ongoing discussion about torture. "When it comes to what our interrogation techniques are going to be or should be, I'm not going to disclose, nor should anyone have a conversation about what those techniques ought to be. It's inappropriate. All it does is give our enemies more information about us than they need." Two reporters pressed Boehner about his assertion that the discussion wasn't appropriate. "Shouldn't the American public know what's being done in their name?" asked one. "Shouldn't they have an idea?" Boehner paused. "Let me take a deep breath here," he said. "We're talking about terrorists who are hell bent on killing Americans. All right?" "Alleged terrorists," noted the reporter. "And 3,000 of our fellow citizens died. And there were techniques that were used by Americans and our allies around the world that helped keep America safe," Boehner said. "I'm not going to allow our professionals and our allies around the world to get denigrated because they were working to keep our country safe." Regarding the Boehner's use of the T-word, Boehner spokesman Michael Steel writes, "It is clear from the context that Boehner was simply using liberals' verbiage to describe these interrogation techniques. The United States does not torture." Become a fan of HuffPost Politics on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.
Blueberries May Help Reduce Belly Fat Top
According to researchers at the University of Michigan, blueberries may help to fend off belly fat and reduce risk of diabetes. Blueberries high content of phytochemicals which are a kind of antioxidant are believed to play a significant role in whittling your middle. Lab rats who were fed a blueberry-rich mixture had less abdominal fat, lower triglycerides, lower cholesterol, [...]


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