vendredi 10 avril 2009

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Fin tragique à la carrière lumineuse Top
Hours before a fatal car accident, Nick Adenhart pitched 6 scoreless innings with his dad looking on.
Obama indique le juste de synchronisation pour que les millions refinancent (AP) Top
AP - Déclarant des « bonnes nouvelles » au milieu d'une fusion économique, le Président Barack Obama jeudi a invité des familles à tirer profit proche-enregistrent de bas taux de l'emprunt-logement en refinançant leurs prêts immobiliers. « Nous sommes à la fois où les gens peuvent vraiment tirer profit de ceci, » Obama avons dit, assis avec une poignée de propriétaires d'une maison qui ont déjà abaissé leurs factures.
O'Reilly rips Eminem's spoof Top
Sarah blagueuse visuelle Palin d'Eminem de frappeur a le foul pleurant de centre serveur conservateur.
Web supplémentaire : Mise à jour sur le bateau détourné Top
Le propriétaire du Maersk Alabama, le cargo américain tenu par des pirates de Somali, dit qu'un vaisseau de guerre du marine américain Est arrivé outre de la côte de la Somalie.
La « moi » de Beyonce obtient corrompue par Kanye West Top
Soyez prêt pour presser le bouton et le numéro un de décalage principaux, parce que les points d'exclamation sont bien mérités, pour ceci, un autre poteau de Kanye West ! Comme…
Scott MacIntyre : « J'ai une histoire à partager par ma musique » Top
Scott MacIntyre, the latest singer to be eliminated from American Idol, hopped on the phone with reporters today to talk about his experience on the show and his plans for a music career going forward. He joked about bringing out "my shredder" for the power-pop Survivor tune that turned out to be his farewell song, opened up about his songwriting (which ranges from adult-contemporary tunes to punk to jazz), and generally sounded upbeat about his future in music. Here are highlights: On his reaction to the judges' decision not to save him: "I was actually very thrilled to know that it was a split decision between the four judges. That was a very nice thing to walk away with. . . . I also sensed that there was some inner turmoil in [Simon] making that decision." On getting criticized for playing guitar after Paula asked him to come out from behind the piano: "My decision to play the guitar this last week was more based on the fact that I wanted to shock America a little bit than it was on Paula's comment about coming out from behind the piano. But it is a very common thing - they tell you one thing one week [and the next week the opposite]. Some of the criticism is undue, but I respect the judges." On the lessons he's learned from Idol: "I really learned that, No. 1, I worked more quickly than I ever thought I could. There's a very fast-paced atmosphere involved with Idol, and preparing new songs each week - sometimes a couple of songs because of the group number - and because of things going on in the midst of shopping and Ford shoots and mentor shoots - it's crazy and it's really taught me to budget my time extremely well." On what made him think he could be an American Idol: "From the very beginning I have felt that I have a story to share through my music, and because of my life story and what I have overcome, and because I have pursued music as my main passion. . . . All of that combined, I felt it would be a shame not to share that with the world. Idol has given me the platform I've been hoping for for many years." To hear why Scott auditioned for Idol this year and what he'll miss most about the other singers, just read more. On why he tried out for Idol this year: "I've been in school for many years of my life - I'm kind of the academic gone pop star in the competition - and it just happened to be the right time. . . . I've been following the show since about season five, and the moment at which I decided to audition was when they rolled the grand piano out on stage last year and I knew I had to be here." On what kind of music we can expect from him in the future: "I have a huge, vast catalog of original music, and the music I write for myself to perform is very much along the lines of John Mayer, Gavin DeGraw, Bruce Hornsby, Vanessa Carlton . . . it's very pop-rock singer-songwriter meets adult contemporary. I try to tell a story with my music always, and a lot of it has a harder edge and is a little more radio-friendly." On what he'll miss about the other contestants: "I'm going to miss the camaraderie. I'm going to miss how we all make fun of each other before the show starts. I'm going to miss having dinner when people leave and wishing them well. I'm definitely going to miss the group songs, believe it or not. . . . We are one of the only groups [of Idol contestants], apparently, that talks and jokes two minutes before we walk onstage. Apparently last year everyone was very silent and in their own world and preparing mentally for the performance. . . . Even though we're competing, we have so much fun even the second before we walk on stage." Photos courtesy of Fox
CIA fires contractors guarding secret prisons Top
Directeur Leon Panetta de CIA a dit que le congrès l'agence d'espions n'a pris aucun nouveau prisonnier depuis qu'il est devenu directeur en février.
Étape de feuilles de lances, booed Top
Britney Spears coule inopinément après trois chansons pendant son concert à Vancouver.
Family Eagerly Awaits News de capitaine Top
The Vermont family of a Captain who is being held hostage by pirates is eagerly awaiting updates to the situation. Karen Anderson reports.
Le bord de l'espace a trouvé ( Top - tenez dessus sur vos chapeaux, ou dans ce cas-ci, vos casques : Les scientifiques ont finalement indiqué exactement le soi-disant bord de l'espace - la frontière entre l'atmosphère terrestre et l'espace extra-atmosphérique.
Facing hard times, Shriners may close 6 hospitals (AP) Top
AP - Shriners hospitals, which have provided free care since before the Great Depression, are considering closing a quarter of their facilities as donations stagnate, costs increase and the charity's endowment shrivels.
Can B Cycle get Americans out of their Cars and on to Bikes? Top
Faire du vélo. Pour la plupart des adultes américains, il n'est pas juste sur le radar comme option de transport pour puis l'usage occasionnel. Espoirs de cycle de B de changer cela. Et avec l'intersection de trois alliés puissants, une économie dans l'ennui, et une population prête pour et s'ouvrent à quelque chose différente, maintenant peuvent être juste le moment pour un tel effort. Le cycle de B est le mariage du concept du covoiturage, comme exemplifié par Zipcar et semblable, mais bien plus simplifié pour la satisfaction instantanée, avec une rétro station d'amarrage actionnée solaire futuriste attrayante, ajoutée aux informations supplémentaires pour donner une plus grande substance à l'expérience d'utiliser un vélo, comme combien calories vous avez brûlées et combien de carbone vous avez compensé contre conduire votre voiture. Le cycle de B a lancer encore, et elles emploient le Web pour faire une partie de leur recherche de marché pour elles tandis qu'une demande et peut-être évangélisation d'une manière encourageante par des personnes voulant l'obtenir dans leur secteur : Lisez plus de cette histoire »
énervez la couverture Top
Je pense que le roseau d'Ed devrait être sur la couverture madden10.
Conficker self-updates, launches false infection alert Top
April 1 may not have turned into the D-day that some feared Conficker might create, but the newest version of the worm (Conficker.C) is still out in the wild with mischief on its mind. The malware's creators released a new patch on April 7; the group obviously intends to continue its active war against security researchers. Such tenacity has been a trait of Conficker since the parasite first appeared on the 'Net near the end of 2008. Each version of Conficker has delivered new "features" or tricks intended to bypass security patches; the April 7 update is no exception. Click here to read the rest of this article
Robert Pattinson et Kristen Stewart font une bonne impression Top
A quick shout out to Kristen Stewart - Happy Birthday! She's 19 today. Twilight stars, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are currently in Vancouver filming their next film New Moon, where he will again play the sexy vampire, Edward Cullen and she will reprise her role of Bella.


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