The latest from Mail Buzz
- « Poursuivez le chasseur de générosité » tiré chez dans Colo. Ressorts (AP)
- Morts officiels de Freddie Mac dans le suicide apparent
- Freddie Mac official found dead in apparent suicide (AP)
- Hillary Clinton : Cheney pas « en particulier une source fiable » sur la torture
- Rabbi Michael Lerner: Ahmadinejad Gives Another Victory to the Israeli Right
- Is South Africa about to become more 'African'?
- Guêtres chaudes d'Allison Iraheta « d'idole américain » !
- Iran Officially Welcomes Nuclear Talks
- Geithner urges global effort to tamp crisis (Reuters)
- Old Nokia 1100s prized by criminal underground
- BBB avertit de l'escroquerie de centre de vérification d'éditeurs
- Directeur Ron Howard défend des « anges et des démons » (Reuters)
- Que Susan Boyle et capitaine Sully font-elles Have In Common ?
- The Carbon Footprint Diet
- Partir de directeur de communications de WH
« Poursuivez le chasseur de générosité » tiré chez dans Colo. Ressorts (AP) | Top |
AP - La police dans le Colorado dit que des projectiles ont été mis le feu à Chapman de « chien » de Duane de chasseur de générosité de TV et à un garant de presseur quand ils ont essayé d'appréhender un homme dont le presseur a été retiré sur une charge de tentative de meurtre. | |
Morts officiels de Freddie Mac dans le suicide apparent | Top |
Le Directeur Financier temporaire de l'hypothèque préoccupée Freddie Mac géant a été trouvé mort dans sa maison du comté de Fairfax tôt ce matin après avoir apparemment commis le suicide, la police de Fairfax a dit. | |
Freddie Mac official found dead in apparent suicide (AP) | Top |
David Kellermann, le Directeur Financier temporaire de l'hypothèque Freddie Mac géant, a été trouvé que mort à son mercredi à la maison matin dans quelle police a dit était un suicide apparent. | |
Hillary Clinton : Cheney pas « en particulier une source fiable » sur la torture | Top |
Hillary Clinton ne fait pas confiance au mot de Dick Cheney quand il vient pour torturer | |
Rabbi Michael Lerner: Ahmadinejad Gives Another Victory to the Israeli Right | Top |
When representatives of many Arab and Muslim nations publicly applaud Ahmadinejad's racist rant, the real losers are the Palestinians. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech at the Durban II conference on racism turned into a racist rant against Israel and the Jewish people. The conference, intended to give the people of the world an opportunity to challenge racism, lost all credibility when many in attendance applauded Ahmadinejad's claim that the Jewish people used the Holocaust as a pretext to take over and dominate the people of Palestine. Ahmadinejad, you'll recall, won global attention when he became the first leader of a UN country to call for the wiping out of another UN country (though he later claimed he was only calling for regime change), and for denying the very existence of the Holocaust. Ahmadinejad's tirade makes quite a bit more sense in the context of domestic Iranian politics. Playing to anti-Semitism and anti-Western attitudes may be his only hope as he runs for re-election, given his failure to deliver on the promise to end poverty and powerlessness that he made during the last campaign. What makes less sense is why some of his fellow Muslims have not denounced this anti-Semitism more vigorously. The media accounts really don't give you the full sense of it. Ahmadinejad describes the history of the past century as though the Zionists were running the world and the imperialist countries were merely extensions of the Zionist project. Thus he ascribes to the Jewish people a power that exceeds that of all other forces on the planet. This reading, of course, has no way to explain how such a powerful group could end up getting murdered in their millions and why they were unable to get the Allied countries to intervene sooner against Hitler, or to bomb the concentration camps, or to impose an entirely Jewish state in Palestine. It is a reading of history that only sounds plausible to those who have no knowledge of the history of the twentieth century, but that, as it turns out, is the majority of the people of the world. So the story he tells, while seeming nothing less than paranoid insanity to those who are familiar with the facts, is precisely the kind of distorted reading that made it possible for Hitler to gain a following by claiming that all of Germany's problems came from the Jews, the communists, the gypsies and the homosexuals. Needless to say, communist, gypsies, and homosexuals are also in grave danger in Iran, though the primary public target of hatred is "the Zionist state." Today, Holocaust Memorial Day, we at Tikkun want to acknowledge that this kind of thinking is worthy of public challenge by all reasonable people on the planet, just as we at Tikkun challenge every other form of hate-mongering, including those forms that appear at times in sectors of the Jewish world. And we invite our Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, humanist, atheist, and all other brothers and sisters to join us in challenging this poison. The creation of the State of Israel was a product of a Jewish nationalist movement that arose at the end of the nineteenth century and sought to provide protection for Jews who were treated as second-class citizens in both Christian Europe and Muslim countries for many hundreds of years. The desire for a safe haven made perfect sense, though the antagonism that they encountered from many Palestinians made perfect sense as well given the previous history of Western colonialism and Christian crusades. Palestinians saw the Jews as an invading force that would uproot their own Arab society. Yet most Jews coming to Palestine were fleeing oppression, and simply could not understand how Palestinians would view them as agents of a Christian West that had been murdering Jews as "Christ killers" for at least 1,500 years. The mutual misunderstandings were predictable, though not inevitable, and both sides bear considerable responsibility for not reaching out in a more generous way toward the other. In the end, each party's insensitivity strengthened those elements on the other side that were most fearful for their existence (I've told this story in more detail in my book Healing Israel/Palestine, North Atlantic Books, 2003). The failure of most countries of the world to open their doors to Jews seeking to escape Nazi persecution -- and then the resolute opposition of the Palestinian movement to allowing Jewish refugees from coming to Palestine during and after the Holocaust -- set the stage for the first act of global affirmative action: the vote by the United Nations to create the State of Israel. Had the Palestinian people accepted the UN division of Palestine, the two states that Palestinians seek today would have already been in existence. Without trying to tell the whole story, I do believe that Israel's current policies toward the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza are cruel, repressive, and de facto racist. Many of us who support Israel's right to exist are strong critics of its current policies. Yet one reason why the peace forces are unable to win majority support in Israel or among the Jewish people as a whole is that too many Arabs and Palestinians seek not a two-state solution but the total elimination of the State of Israel as a Jewish homeland. Ahmadinejad, like Hamas, and like many other voices in the Arab and Islamic world, conflate legitimate criticism of Israel's policies with an assault on Israel's existence; an error which becomes even more outrageous when linked to a denial of the Holocaust or the anti-Semitism that led to the flight of some one million Jews from Arab countries between 1947 and 1967. When Prime Minister Netanyahu, Avigdor Lieberman, and other right-wing extremists are able to point to this irrational hatred of the Jewish people as the "real" underlying message of the critics of the Occupation, they stir up fears among Israelis that seem to be rationally founded, given the hatred being expressed. All the more so when one witnesses the striking silence about the racism that led to the Hutu-Tutsi massacres, the destruction of Buddhism in Tibet by Chinese racism, the oppression of women and gays in many Muslim countries, and so on. By singling out Israel, Ahmadinejad proves the case for many Israelis that the critique is not simply a matter of rational opposition to oppressive policies, but rather a manifestation of the very hatred that makes it imperative for Jews to protect themselves by any means necessary. We at Tikkun and our affiliated Network of Spiritual Progressives will not use the Ahmadinjad speech as an excuse to quiet our critique of Israeli policies toward Palestinians -- policies that are discriminatory toward Palestinians living in Israel and racist and repressive toward Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza. But we also will insist that the real crimes of recent governments of the State of Israel pale in comparison to the crimes committed by China in Tibet, or by the United States in Vietnam and Iraq, or by the Arab government of Sudan in Darfur. They pale in comparison to the human rights abuses in Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Åfghanistan, and several African states. We in the Jewish peace movement championed by Tikkun, and we in the interfaith Network of Spiritual Progressives, plead with our Muslim and Arab comrades and friends to denounce those who deny the Holocaust and who unfairly critique Israel. So it was with deep disappointment that we watched as representatives of many of these countries cheered Ahmadinejad's tirade rather than dismiss him as the racist demagogue that he is. The great losers in this are the Palestinian people. The more that Jews are scared, the less likely they are to be true to their own religious and cultural history, largely one of support for the most oppressed. So the anti-racist conference that calls itself Durban II actually succeeded in strengthening the hold of the racists, and in the process has made continued Palestinian suffering all the more likely. For those of us who believe that the God of all peoples wants all to be treated as equally valuable and as embodiments of God's image on earth, the failure of Muslims and Arab to disassociate themselves more publicly and forcefully is itself a problem that must be addressed with honesty and public confrontation, in a spirit of mutual respect and caring for each other. To do less would be to dishonor the God of the universe. We in the Jewish world who continually and publicly critique the misuse of Judaism to justify racist and repressive policies by the State of Israel have every right to demand a similar critique from our Arab Christian and Muslim brothers and sisters. P.S. I note with gratitude an immediate response we got to this from Iftekhar Hai, who informed us that the United Muslim Alliance Interfaith Alliance joins us in condemning Ahmadinejad's racism and Holocaust denial speech! If you want to help get this message out, feel free to put it on your own website, send it to everyone you know, or otherwise distribute and reprint this. Please help us continue to do this kind of messaging by joining the Network of Spiritual Progressives as a paying member. The NSP includes atheists who are spiritual but not religious. Visit to learn more. Comments and responses welcome to Please be aware that an edited version of your response may be printed on our website or in Tikkun magazine. | |
Is South Africa about to become more 'African'? | Top |
L'Afrique du Sud, sans doute, finira vers le haut en tant que juste autre désastre africain atypique. Les factions politiques courant le gouvernement détérioreront au statut de dictateur, avec la guerre civile, l'assassinat de masse, la corruption et la négligence pour des droits de l'homme juste comme ont les autres pays africains. | |
Guêtres chaudes d'Allison Iraheta « d'idole américain » ! | Top |
La semaine dernière Luxaholics a marqué Allison avec une alerte rouge de modèle, mais il ressemble à ses choses changées par styliste lui donnent jusqu'à un vibe plus frais. Elle est de retour dans la zone sûre ! Obtenez le regard d'Allison avec une paire de guêtres de LnA -- ou une version moins chère. | |
Iran Officially Welcomes Nuclear Talks | Top |
Une déclaration officielle a réitéré une annonce par le Président Mahmoud Ahmadinejad la semaine dernière que l'Iran accepterait des entretiens avec six puissances importantes. | |
Geithner urges global effort to tamp crisis (Reuters) | Top |
Reuters - The United States bears "substantial" blame for the woes besetting the world economy but it will take a global effort to ease those strains, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Wednesday. | |
Old Nokia 1100s prized by criminal underground | Top |
Got an old Nokia 1100 sitting around? You may be sitting on a fortune... albeit with a catch.Certain circles are said to be | |
BBB avertit de l'escroquerie de centre de vérification d'éditeurs | Top |
Affaires meilleures le bureau avertit le public au sujet d'une nouvelle escroquerie répandue par une compagnie fausse posant comme centre de vérification d'éditeurs. | |
Directeur Ron Howard défend des « anges et des démons » (Reuters) | Top |
Okie Dockie, fade fade Dopy d'Opie ..... - fade -, fade | |
Que Susan Boyle et capitaine Sully font-elles Have In Common ? | Top |
Ils, avec capitaine Phillips du Maersk Alabama, sont des symboles d'espoir pour les masses, qui ont vu la plupart du temps de mauvaises nouvelles et le plus mauvais de la nature humaine par dernière année ou ainsi. Bien, au moins selon Tina Brown, écrivant sur la bête quotidienne : Captain Richard Phillips du bon bateau Maersk Alabama-et salissez Sullenberger éclaboussant en bas de son avion de ligne estropiée dans le Hudson Fleuve-s'est cassé par le brouillard enfumé toxique de la dépression économique et du skullduggery de Wall Street avec un rappel que le héroisme individuel pur est une occurrence quotidienne si nous savons où la rechercher. Susan Boyle est un autre avatar du désir global. La montée subite pour Boyle renforce le point encore : Nous sommes tous qui tombent malades de l'intimidation par de mauvaises valeurs. Malade de la disparition chacun qui est plat ou étrange ou non un de la foule fraîche. Ce héros n'était aucun capitaine Courageous. Elle juste a dû lutter contre être plaine et un peu impair de premiers dommages de cerveau doux. Joignez la conversation au sujet de cette histoire » voient également : Susan Boyle : 100 millions de vues de YouTube et aucun argent pour n'importe qui (GOOG) Susan Boyle devrait chanter la chanson de cygne de Simon Cowell (NWS) Les étoiles et les effondrements de cet été (PRÉSENTATION) | |
The Carbon Footprint Diet | Top |
Happy Earth Day! Here are tips on how to help the mother of us all -- planet Earth. Happy Earth Day! Here are tips on how to help the mother of us all -- planet Earth. Fad diets come and go -- but one diet should stick around for generations to come: the reduction of our carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is calculated by adding up home energy consumption, driving, and other daily activities. Is yours too big? Consider this diet: Buy Less Seriously, we know it's tough to say no to kids, but buying smarter means purchasing better products and less of them. Think about what your kids' interests are, and be mindful of what they need as opposed to what they want. Think Globally, Eat Locally The less time and energy it takes for your food to get from farm to plate makes a big difference in your carbon footprint. Find local farms in your area from Local Harvest, and you'll be supporting local organic businesses and eating fresher, healthier foods. You may be surprised at what's growing near your backyard! Change Energy Utilities such as Con Edison , PG&E and FPL are turning to renewable energy programs to help offset your energy use. Sign up, and for just a little more money per month (sometimes just two cents more), your energy can be powered greener and your home can be 'carbon neutral,' usually with tax or other benefits to reward you for going green! Check with your local energy provider on how you can participate in these worthwhile programs. DON'T Put the Pedal to the Metal A great way to help reduce your impact on the earth is to consolidate your driving, i.e., carpool when you can. You and your friends will save gas, ease pollution, and your kids will have way more fun in the car with friends (although you may have to wear earplugs!). Recycle, Recycle, Recycle Keep up with recycling, and not just in the 'paper and plastic' sort of way. Programs such as Swaptree or Bookmooch allow you to find gently used books, music, DVDs, and other items for you and your family, for just the cost of shipping. Or, head out to your library and borrow away! Connect with more eco-driven moms in the momlogic community. See Also: Celeb Moms With Green Hearts Can This Eco-Sinning Mom Be Saved? Easy Eco-Tips Even Your Kids Can Do | |
Partir de directeur de communications de WH | Top |
Le Président Obama perd un membre de son magasin de presse juste timide de ses 100 premiers jours dans le bureau. Ellen Moran, directeur de communications de la Maison Blanche, deviendra chef du personnel pour le secrétaire du commerce Gary Locke. M. Obama a sorti un rapport par le service de presse recommandant son service jusqu'ici. « Je remercie Ellen Moran de sa conduite pendant ces premiers mois critiques de mon administration, et je suis heureux elle servirai de chef du personnel au ministère du commerce, » M. Obama a dit dans le rapport. « Sa gestion et qualifications stratégiques assureront ce secrétaire Locke, un membre important… d'email | |
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